<title> Even in the deepest heart of chaos, a glimmer of order can be found, 024 </title> <META name="keywords" content="comic, comic strip, comics, photography, existential, post modern, postmodern, post-modern, order, chaos, sequential art, emo, all your base are belong to us, hipster, depressing, weird, strange, found, found art, found sound,"> <meta name="content" CONTENT = "On the world of porcelain people, even riding a bike can be terrifying. Since they break so easily. Their scientists have tried for years to genetically engineer themselves to be moer fleshy. But results have been disappointing. Since physical activity is kinda dangerous, most of them just collect pictures of Earthlings as their hobby. They used to watch us via the internet, but connection totally sucked. Eventually they had the genetic engineers just implant antennas directly into their heads. "> <SCRIPT language="javascript1.1"> if( document.images ) { <!--On & Off--> next1 = new Image(100,75) ; <!--image width,height--> next1.src = "next.jpg"; next2 = new Image(100,75) ; next2.src ="next2.jpg"; back1 = new Image(100,75) ; <!--image width,height--> back1.src = "back.jpg"; back2 = new Image(100,75) ; back2.src ="back2.jpg"; } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT> <!-- function chkVer(imagename,objectsrc) { var n=navigator.appName var v=parseInt(navigator.appVersion) var browsok=((n=="Netscape")&&(v>=3)) var browsok2=((n=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(v>=4)) if ((browsok)||(browsok2)) document.images[imagename].src=eval(objectsrc+".src") } //--> </SCRIPT> <body bgcolor="#660000" text="#FFCC00" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF"> <center> <img src="logo.jpg">

<p> <img src="scary.jpg" title="Todays photos generated by using the key word: 'scary'" border=0><p> This comic was created from photos picked from the internet at random. The photos in used for this comic came from:<br> 1. <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/86992766@N00/113312850/">Untitled</a>, 2. <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/38623616@N00/113175063/">Untitled</a>, 3. <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/68606517@N00/113281710/">Warp</a>, 4. <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/11254469@N00/113191319/">Scottsdale, 1991</a>, 5. <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/35468143183@N01/113164151/">Ummm... no.</a>, 6. <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/84341565@N00/113039833/">red bunny</a> <center> <table align="center" WIDTH="40%" CELLPADDING=1> <center> <td><a href="found023.html" onmouseover="chkVer('b1','back1')" onmouseout="chkVer('b1','back2')"> <img name="b1" width=100 height=75 border=0 SRC="back2.jpg"></a></td> <td>Originally posted 5/25/06</td> <td><a href="found001.html" onmouseover="chkVer('n1','next1')" onmouseout="chkVer('n1','next2')"> <img name="n1" width=100 height=75 border=0 SRC="next2.jpg"></a></td> </center> </table> </center> </b><p> </html>