<SCRIPT language="javascript1.1"> if( document.images ) { <!--On & Off--> next1 = new Image(100,75) ; <!--image width,height--> next1.src = "next.jpg"; next2 = new Image(100,75) ; next2.src ="next2.jpg"; back1 = new Image(100,75) ; <!--image width,height--> back1.src = "back.jpg"; back2 = new Image(100,75) ; back2.src ="back2.jpg"; } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT> <!-- function chkVer(imagename,objectsrc) { var n=navigator.appName var v=parseInt(navigator.appVersion) var browsok=((n=="Netscape")&&(v>=3)) var browsok2=((n=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&(v>=4)) if ((browsok)||(browsok2)) document.images[imagename].src=eval(objectsrc+".src") } //--> </SCRIPT>

As you hopefully know, Found Comics is based on randomly generated images. A keyword search is used to pull a series of six photos from the internet. Then hilarious text is added to make the photos appear to be a real comic.

I figure if I can do it, anybody can do it. In that spirit I'm posted the first Found Comics Guest Challenge! Found Comics is a bit like a Rorschach test. The images have no inherent meaning. What people see in them is a reflection of themselves. Most of the comics I make turn out to be creepy and disturbing, and that's cuz I'm kinda creepy and disturbing. Will our guest's versions of the same meaningless image be similar or radically different? Only one way to find out...

Ok, here's my version of this comic:

This comic was created from photos picked from the internet at random. The photos in used for this comic came from:
1. Study Roman / Late Antiquity, 2. Ascetic, 3. DSCN5161.JPG, 4. IMG_4935, 5. IMG_4934, 6. IMG_4928

Now, let's look at how Newbs from the cool webcomic Perfect Stars interprets the same set of images...

Now, let's look at how perennial guest writer Mike Maguire interprets the same set of images...

Man look at that. In some ways all three are the same, in other ways they're totally different! What sort of story could you come up with from this set of photos?

Originally posted 10/3/06